We're Memory Makers

more than just photographers

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Meet the Owners

the Penven-Crews

We are both from the Triangle area. We are high school sweethearts who made it through multiple colleges, the military, and then ended up graduating from the same college but at different times. We have two adorable children, Caroline & Ollie, and a fur baby Mr. Higgins. 

We are a husband and wife team who each bring a unique perspective to the business. We opened our business after our daughter was born and the rest has been history.

Hi, I'm Jessica

mother, photographer, doula

After doing newborn photography and having my own children, I found I was passionate about birth & postpartum. Due to this, I decided to get more training to work with pregnant and postpartum families by becoming a certified doula. When I am not doing photography you will probably find me snuggling babies, chatting with new moms, spending time with friends & families, hiking, going on adventures, and being in any water (pool, hot tub, lake, or beach). But my all time favorite activity is spending time with my kids especially when it involves snuggles.

I started doing photography at a young age. I was given the opportunity to use a professional camera in college which is where my photography journey really took off. I have worked for Lifetouch, Grad Images, and JC Penney Studios. I had been told for years to start my own photography company but did not take the leap until after my daughter was born and she became my photography muse.

Hi, I'm McCale

father, editor, nerd

I took a couple of photoshop classes in high school, but did little with that knowledge, then I took several graphic design and editing classes while pursuing my Communications degree. I didn't think I would use most of that before my lovely wife and I started up our business. The rest, as they say, is history. When I'm not digging through pictures and editing, I like to cook, run, go for walks with my fantastic children, and do standard nerd things like play Dungeons and Dragons.

I am the mostly silent partner and editor for our team. I started working with photography when my father taught me how film worked in an old Pentax that I still have and use occasionally. 

The Penven-Crew family radiates a unique blend of unity and individuality, beautifully captured in the symbolism of their our logo design. Each family member's birth month is represented by appropriate flowers that together compose a vibrant bouquet. This thoughtful touch not only celebrates the diversity within our family but also serves as a perpetual reminder of the collective strength and beauty that blossoms when individual personalities come together.

More Than a Logo

Family Flowers

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